Welcome to the Official Website STRW-STPC 14th of January, 2006

Teaching Foreign Langauges Freely

The Somali Prefered Websites
The International Prefered Websites
Teaching Foreign Langauges Freely
Ex-Somali Presidents
Ex-Somali Prime Ministers
Republic of Somalia
The Current Somali Government
Deegaanka Tanade Darood
Contact us
SomaliTanade Political Committee
Tanade Darod Traditional Elders
Tanade Members of Parliament
Tanade Youth
Tanade Bussiness Community
Tanade Press Releases/War Saxaafadeedyo
Religious Affairs/Arrimaha Diinta
Tanade Darod Traditional Elders
Tanade Ministers

We will teach you these following languages French, German, Spanish and Arabic free of charge. We intend to help and educate all Somalis willing to study foreign languages as their second mother tongue.
We welcome everybody to learn and gain little knowledge with us.
If you can learn one language today then you will use it for tommorow!!!
Do not be lazy and leave free education while you can help yourself!
Teacher Abdikadir will teach any of the above-mentioned foreign languages thereby be ready to benefit for your own interests without hesitation!!! At end of each term there will an examination to check you!

Lecone une (1) Casharka Koowaad (1)

Les Aphabetes Alfabeetada

Waxaan idin ogeysiineynaa iney barashada albeetada Af-faransiiska ay fududahay isla-markasna aan xaraf walba dhawaqiisa ku hor qornay ayadoo aan galinay astaanta sidan oo kale ( ) marka haddii aad fahmi garanwayso fadlan la soo xiriir macallinka si uu kuu caawiyo.

A(a) B(be) C(Se) De(dhe) F(ef) G(Shii) H(aj) I(i) J(She) L(eL M(em) N(en) O(O) P(pee) Q(ki) R(ekh) S(es) T(te) V(fee) W(Dhublefee) X(ikis) Y(igrekh)

Les Voyelles (le Foyeele) Ereyada Shaqalada Ah

A, E, I, O, U & Y mararka qaarkood

Les autres sont les consonnes

La Consonne (le Koson) Shibanaha


Voulez-vous etres des notres!

Francais                                  Af-Soomali
Lecone Duex (2)                                  Casharka Labaad (2)
Comment ca va? Komo Sa Fa?                  (Side0e Tahay?)
Ca Va                      Sa Fa                    Waa Caadi
Comment Vous apellez-vous? (Komo fusa-belee-fu?) Magacaa?
Je m'appelle Ali                                 (Shemabeel Ali)               Magacayga waa Ali
Quel est ton nom?                             (Qel ee To noo?)            Magacaa?
Mon nom est Ali                                  (Mon noo ee Ali)            Magacayga waa Cali
D'ou etez-vous?                                 (Di-u-etee-fu?)              Halkee/xagee ka timid?
Je viens de l'ecole                             (She Fiyee dhelekol)   Waxaan ka imid dugsiga

Lecone Trois (3) Casharka Seddexaad (3)

Français Af-Soomaali

               (Dhawaaqa Ereyga)

Bon matin (boo matee) Subax wanaagsan

Bon matin (boo matee) Subax wanaagsan

Bonjour (boo shuukh) Galab wanaagsan/Maalin Wanaagsan

Bonjour (boo shuukh) Galab wanaagsan/Maalin Wanaagsan

Comment- allez-vous? ( Komootalee-fuu?) Sidee Tahay?

Je suis bien Shewii Biyee Waan fiicnahay/wanaagsanahay

Et Toi? (Ee Tuwaa) Adnah

Je suis très bon (Sheswii Tkhee Boo) Aad baan u wanaagsanahay/fiicnahay

Bienvenue à la maison (Biyeefeeni ala Meesoo) Ku soo dhawoow guriga

Merci beaucoup (Meerkhsi Bookuu) Aad baad u mahadsan tahay

Au revoir (oo khefuwaakh) Nabadgelyo



Haddii aad rabto inaad barato luuqada Af-faransiiska waxaad isku daydaa inaad 20 daqiiqo siiso maalin walba marka aad firaaqo leedahay!

Par Abdikadir


Bienvenue a prendre le francais!

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