Welcome to the Official Website STRW-STPC 14th of January, 2006

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Ex-Somali Presidents
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Deegaanka Tanade Darood
Contact us
SomaliTanade Political Committee
Tanade Darod Traditional Elders
Tanade Members of Parliament
Tanade Youth
Tanade Bussiness Community
Tanade Press Releases/War Saxaafadeedyo
Religious Affairs/Arrimaha Diinta
Tanade Darod Traditional Elders
Tanade Ministers

The Chairman of the Somali Tanade Rights Watch & The Spokesma of the STPC

This Camel is one of our traditional Symbols

The Official Languages of the Somali Tanade Rights Watch & The Somali Tanade Political Committee are as below-mentioned:
1. French
2. Arabic
3. Swahili
4. German
5. Italian
An organization web site is a great way to publicize a charter, keep members informed, and attract a broader audience. We'll use this site to get the word out on our organization and create a better sense of community among our members. We'll also include pictures of our work and members.
Tanade Darod Online welcomes everbody who has biliteral interests as well as multi-literal cooperation with the Tanade Darod Tribe.
The Somali Tanade Rights Watch is the tribal Rights Watch of the Tanade Darod Genealogy therefore if you want to deal with The Tanade Darod please Welcome with open hands!!!
The Tanade Political Committe is the Tanade Darood Tribal Executive Political Committee, which can deal with you when and where you want but make sure that you are working with right Tanade Political Committe representatives or otherwise you will be loosers!  
There is no corruption among the Tanade Darod genealogy!!!
If you try to bribe someone directly, we will know soonest!

Our Mission
We are very clear to save our tribal interests and have effiecent relationships with the International Community as well as NGOS operating in our residential zone in the Republic of Somalia.
We will promote human rights, animal rights, environement protection and help the poor including orphans!!!
We have bi-literal and multi-literal cooperation with anyone willing to assist us in order to reach our noble goals and solutions.

Latest Press Release



Dear Sir/Madam

Subject: Notice for the Classification of the Somali Tanade Darod Tribe

The Somali Tanade Rights Watch and The Somali Tanade Political Committee do hereby declare to you to the UNHCR that you have published falsified tribal information of the Somali Tanade Darod Tribe sub-clan Leelkase in your website.

Please If the UNHCR wants to know the classification of the tanade Darod genealogy then they must take this classification of the Tanade Darod classifications:

Tanade Darod was one of the sixth sons of the Darod genealogy, and the oldest son of Darod. Tanade Darod commonly known as Leelkase gace birth 6 sons, one of the sixth sons became the first Somali king and named his kingdom after his name Diiftire kingdom.

Tanade Darod Genealoligal Sons:

1. Leelkase Tanade

2. Diiftire Tanade

3. Korshe Tanade

4. Suhurre Tanade

5. Juus Tanade

6. Wara Daqa


Tanade Darod has got five members of parliament and two ministers in the Current Somali Transitional Federal Government as well as another minister and two members of parliament in the Puntland administrational state.

Please The UNHCR must not insult us because the name Her is not apart of our tribal genealogy therefore Leelkase is one of the sixth sons of the Tanade Darod Genealogy.

Tanade Darod (Leelkase resides in these regions: Barri, Garowe, Mudug, Banadir, Baidao, Jubbland, some parts of Ethiopia and thier own district Goldogob in Mudug region.

Please search the tribal history of the TanadeDarod genealogy carefully and delet your falsified information in your website otherwise we will sue you directly.

Kind Regards,Amb, Abdikadir ISmael S. Warfa (Janno-gale)

The Chairman of the Somali Tanade Rights Watch & The Spokesman of the Somali Tanade Political Committee

Tel: 254-6761266

Mobile: 254-724467796/723937501

9th Street Section II

P. O. Box 68772 00100


Email: Somaliauthor@hotmail.com





See Radio Goldogob

This is a picture of Goldogob Dictrict

Tanade Latest News

Press Release/ War Saxaafadeed 31/12/05

War-murtiyeed ay Gaalkacyo ka soo saareen waxgaradka beesha Leelkase ee degmada Gaalkacyo

Waxaa warsaxaafadeed ay na soo gaarsiiyey waxgarad ka tirsan beesha Leelkase, kuna sugan magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaa u qornaa sidatan:-

Kadib hadalkii la yaabka lahaa ee ka soo yeeray guddoomiyaha degmada Gaalkacyo waxay beesha Leelkase isugu timid kulan wada-tashi ah oo ay kaga arrinsanaysay waxey ka yeeli lahayd hadalkii riyo maalmeedka ahaa ee ka soo yeeray Xuseen Jaamac Yabaq, kuna saabsanaa qaybinta maamulka degmada Gaalkacyo.

Shirkaas oo la iskula soo qaaday arrimo badan oo quseeya guud ahaan gobolka Mudug gaar ahaan degmada Gaalkacyo iyo maamul u samaynteeda, ayaa la isku raacay qodobadda soo socda.

1) Beesha Leelkase waxey gebi ahaanba kala laabatay taageeradii ay u haysay maamulka degmada iyo guud ahaanba maamulka gobolka, waxeyna si toos ah u joojisay canshuurtii ay bixin jirtay beesha ee degmada Gaalkacyo.

2) Waxey beeshu qaadi doontaa tillaabo kasta oo beeshu xal u aragto kuna gaarayso hadafkeeda siyaasadeed ee mustaqbalka

3) Beeshu waxay shir deg deg ah ka yeelanaysaa guud ahaan siyaasada maamulka Puntland.

4) Beeshu waxey ugu baaqaysaa madaxweynaha MGP iyo baarlamaanka MGP in ay si deg deg ah u soo fara galiyaan qalalaasaha siyaasadeed iyo kan amni ee ka jira degmada Gaalkacyo.

5 ) Beeshu waxey soo dhaweynaysaa cidkasta iyo beelkasta oo doonaysa in xal la gaaro.

qodobadaan waxay dhaqan galayaan laga bilaabo maalinta go'aankaan la qaatay oo ah 30/12/05.

Nasrudiin Ceydiid Salaad (Diini)Dayniile,Muqdisho

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Through selective procesures by committees

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:


Mailing Address: 9th STREET Section II 68772 00100 Nairobi Kenya

68772, Nairobi

Phone: 254-6761266